Podstrona: Minister of Education and Science "Student science clubs create innovation" grant for IPSUM / Prof. Paweł Chmielarz, Eng, PhD, DSc, ProfTit


Minister of Education and Science "Student science clubs create innovation" grant for IPSUM


We are pleased to announce that the Student and Doctoral Scientific Society of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering IPSUM running at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Rzeszów University of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Paweł Chmielarz became a beneficiary of the programme held by a Minister of Education and Science ‘Students Research Clubs creates innovation” for the third time. Within the third edition of the contest, IPSUM received funding in the amount of 69 917,00 PLN. The title of the awarded project is ,,Modification of natural plant-derived textile materials by ATRP techniques”.

The main objective of the project is to develop a methodology for modifying plant-derived textile materials in order to obtain innovative and functional textiles grafted with polymers, using surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization method with the regeneration of activators by electron transfer from a chemical reducing agent (SI-ARGET ATRP). The project focuses on the development of synthesis procedures using an environmentally friendly reducing agent in the form of ascorbic acid and the use of a minimum concentration of the catalytic complex. Optimization of concentrations and molar ratios of reagents, as well as the selection of an appropriate functionalization path will allow obtaining textile materials with predefined properties, i.e. superhydrophobicity, antibacterial properties, and reduced flammability of textile materials.

Every student willing to become a part of a community of the IPSUM Research Club is warmly welcomed – registration is open during the entire academic year.



Ministry of Education and Science

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Chmielarz Research Group News

Department of Physical Chemistry Rzeszow University of Technology News




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